Jan302018ControlLogixThe Automation SchoolThe Automation School is pleased to announce that we are now offering two PAC Basics Courses. You now have the option of a short壯陽藥 er and less expensive option, with our PAC Basics Standard Edition, or the longer and more advanced option with our PAC Basics Extended Edition. Read More… Categories: ControlLogix, The Automation SchoolBy Tracey TierneyJanuary 30, 2018Tags: compactlogixControlLogixPAC Basicstraining Author: Tracey Tierney Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Your Local Rockwell RepNextNext post:Windows Meltdown and Spectre Patches Impact Rockwell Software UsersRelated PostsNew Micro800 Lessons!October 9, 2017The Automation School Upgraded!August 23, 2017ControlLogix Course Adds PowerFlex lessons!May 15, 2017New Micro800 Training CourseMay 2, 2017ControlLogix Course DetailsFebruary 1, 2017More ControlLogix Lessons Added!December 19, 2016