
Welcome to Insights In Automation!

About Insights In Automation

Insights In Automation’s mission is to help electricians, technicians, and engineers find the answers to their industrial automation questions.
We do this by providing affordable online training courses at The Automation School, as well as advertiser sponsored how-to articles, videos, and product updates at The Automation Blog.


Here at Insights In Automation we understand that not everyone can afford the time and cost of traveling to vendors’ facilities to attend factory training.

To address this, we launched The Automation School as an affordable and convenient alternative to expensive factory training.


Unless you work for a large company in a major manufacturing area, you likely don’t have access to factory experts or facilities.

To address this, we created the internet’s most popular independent industrial automation blog, The Automation Blog, as a place where all users can find up-to-date product news and how-to’s.


In order to provide an open, moderated, and affordable peer-to-peer discussion group, in 2021 we launched Automation.Locals.com for those who need reliable answers to their automation questions.

The Automation School

The Automation School provides five star rated affordable online industrial automation training.

How We Serve You:
